
Empowering Nursing Careers

Transforming Brand Identity and Web Presence for The Corporate Nurse's Online Coaching and Courses

The Corporate Nurse, a corporate nursing career consultant, recognized the importance of taking her brand digital to expand her reach and connect with a broader audience. As a startup business, she sought to establish a new brand identity and develop a compelling web presence that would effectively market her services and facilitate engagement with her online courses.

Digital Strategy
Web Design
Graphic Design

The Corporate Nurse


This project showcases Digital Made Simple's partnership with our client The Corporate Nurse, a dedicated corporate nursing career consultant. Our goal was to assist The Corporate Nurse in transforming her customer management systems, brand identity, and creating a dynamic web presence that would enable her to effectively market her consulting services and connect with her target audience through engaging online courses. Through strategic branding, operations, and human-centered web design, we empowered the client to establish a strong online presence and foster meaningful connections with nursing professionals needing her invaluable coaching.


Our primary objectives were to:
Number 1
Create a new brand identity that reflects the client's expertise and values in the nursing career consulting industry.
Number 2
Develop a dynamic web presence that effectively markets her business and showcases her online courses.
Number 3
Facilitate seamless engagement and connection with her target audience - nursing professionals seeking career guidance.

Skills Used...

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Brand Identity
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Content Strategy
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eCourse Development
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Graphic Design
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Launch Strategy
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Lead Generation
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Standard SEO
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Systems Automation
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Technology Installation
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UX/UI Design

Original Website

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Our Approach

Brand Identity Development:
Dynamic Web Presence:
Seamless Engagement and Connection:
  • Conducted in-depth research to understand the client’s target audience, competitors, and industry trends.
  • Collaborated closely with the client to define her brand identity, values, and unique selling propositions.
  • Created a compelling brand identity that encompassed a visually appealing logo, color palette, typography, and brand voice, aligned with her positioning as a corporate nursing career consultant.

  • Developed a user-centric website design that offers an intuitive and visually engaging experience for visitors.
  • Showcased the client’s consulting services prominently, highlighting her expertise and value propositions.
  • Integrated a dedicated section for her online courses, providing detailed information, course descriptions, and enrollment options.
  • Designed and implemented her Customer Relationship Management system (CRM) to ensure user-friendly, and intuitive engagement for her coaching clients
  • Implemented interactive features such as contact forms, inquiry options, and subscription forms to encourage engagement and simplify the customer intake process.
  • Utilized clear calls-to-action throughout the website to direct visitors to relevant sections and encourage course enrollment.


Strong Brand Identity:

  • The new brand identity effectively reflects the client’s expertise and values, setting her apart as a trusted and knowledgeable consultant in the corporate nursing career field.
  • Consistent branding elements across various touchpoints enhance recognition and reinforce her professional image.

Compelling Web Presence:

  • The dynamic website design captures visitors' attention and delivers an engaging experience, promoting longer site visits and increased user engagement.
  • The client's consulting services and online courses are showcased effectively, providing comprehensive information and clear enrollment options.

Enhanced Engagement and Connection:

  • Interactive features and clear calls-to-action drive engagement, encouraging visitors to inquire about the client's services and enroll in her online courses.
  • Automated customer intake systems and strategically designed process flows allowed our client to create a thoughtful and engaging customer experience

Major Tools Used

Creative Cloud


Strong Brand Identity:

  • The new brand identity effectively reflects the client’s expertise and values, setting her apart as a trusted and knowledgeable consultant in the corporate nursing career field.
  • Consistent branding elements across various touchpoints enhance recognition and reinforce her professional image.

Compelling Web Presence:

  • The dynamic website design captures visitors' attention and delivers an engaging experience, promoting longer site visits and increased user engagement.
  • The client's consulting services and online courses are showcased effectively, providing comprehensive information and clear enrollment options.

Enhanced Engagement and Connection:

  • Interactive features and clear calls-to-action drive engagement, encouraging visitors to inquire about the client's services and enroll in her online courses.
  • Automated customer intake systems and strategically designed process flows allowed our client to create a thoughtful and engaging customer experience

Major Tools Used

Creative Cloud


Through our collaboration with The Corporate Nurse, a dedicated corporate nursing career consultant, we successfully transformed her brand identity, improved her intake processes, and established a dynamic web presence that effectively markets her business and connects with her target audience.

The new brand identity, visually appealing website design, and seamless engagement features have positioned the client as a trusted resource for nursing professionals seeking career guidance. By providing valuable consulting services and engaging online courses, the client is empowering nursing careers and making a significant impact in the industry.

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