
Facilitating Iyanla Vanzant’s Digital Transformation

A Journey from Television Celebrity to Influential Online Instructor

Iyanla Vanzant, a highly regarded television celebrity and spiritual life coach, sought to embark on a digital transformation journey to establish herself as a leading online instructor and digital content creator after transitioning from network television show. She aimed to broaden her reach, effectively monetize her expertise, and create a sustainable online brand.

Digital Strategy
Graphic Design
Web Design

Iyanla Vanzant


This project highlights how Digital Made Simple partnered with Iyanla Vanzant to orchestrate her successful transition from television personality to the knowledge commerce market. By leveraging innovative strategies and using meticulous execution methods, our agency lead her team in increasing course listings, improving brand recognition, expanding her reach, and maximizing profit.


Our primary objectives were to:
Number 1
Establish a strong and recognizable digital presence for Iyanla Vanzant.
Number 2
Position her as a respected and sought-after online instructor.
Number 3
Develop a sustainable revenue stream through digital content monetization.

Skills Used...

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Launch Strategy
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Brand Identity
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Content Strategy
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eCourse Development
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Graphic Design
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Lead Generation
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Print/PDF Design
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Standard SEO
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Systems Automation
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Technology Installation
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UX/UI Design
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Video Editing

Original Website

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Our Approach

Brand Strategy and Visual Identity
Platform Development and User Experience:
Content Creation and Monetization
Marketing and Audience Growth
  • Conducted a comprehensive analysis of client's existing brand and target audience.
  • Collaborated with client to define a compelling brand narrative and mission.
  • Crafted a distinctive visual identity that reflected her personality, expertise, and purpose.
  • Designed and developed a visually captivating website as a central hub for her digital content, courses, and resources.
  • Created a seamless user experience, focusing on intuitive navigation, responsive design, and optimized loading speed.
  • Built a customized learning management system (LMS) with interactive features, progress tracking, supplemental resources, and community engagement.
  • Conducted extensive market research and identified high-demand content topics within Iyanla Vanzant's niche.
  • Collaborated closely with client to develop engaging and transformative online courses.
  • Implemented secure payment gateways, enabling seamless monetization and user tracking of digital products and services.
  • Created sales funnels and email marketing campaigns to drive course enrollments and maximize revenue potential.
  • Crafted a comprehensive digital marketing strategy tailored to client’s target audience.
  • Oversaw design/deployment of organic social media campaigns, leveraging platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
  • Leveraged search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to improve online visibility and attract organic traffic.
  • Engaged in strategic partnerships, affiliate marketing, and influencer collaborations to expand reach and attract new audiences.

After wrapping the final season of Iyanla, Fix My Life, I wanted to continue to teach and support as many people as possible. My online courses offered me the best way to achieve that goal. With Digital Made Simple’s leadership and support, I have been able to more than double my online offerings. Digital Made Simple also helped align my digital presence with the importance of my vision and mission. Nicole and her team created an easier-to-use experience for my students and community.

Life Coach & Television Personality


Successful Digital Transition:

  • Iyanla Vanzant’s brand underwent a seamless and successful transition from television to the digital knowledge commerce space.
  • Expanded the attention of global audiences through the development of a robust library of transformational learning resources.

Revenue Generation:

  • Through our strategic approach, she achieved a 75% boost in annual revenue.
  • Digital content monetization, including online courses and exclusive resources, became a sustainable income stream.

Brand Impact and Recognition:

  • Iyanla Vanzant's digital transformation elevated her brand's presence and positioned her as a key figure in the knowledge commerce market.
  • Increased visibility of her digitized educational content facilitated further collaborations and speaking engagements throughout the transition from network television personality to online educator.

Major Tools Used

Creative Cloud


Successful Digital Transition:

  • Iyanla Vanzant’s brand underwent a seamless and successful transition from television to the digital knowledge commerce space.
  • Expanded the attention of global audiences through the development of a robust library of transformational learning resources.

Revenue Generation:

  • Through our strategic approach, she achieved a 75% boost in annual revenue.
  • Digital content monetization, including online courses and exclusive resources, became a sustainable income stream.

Brand Impact and Recognition:

  • Iyanla Vanzant's digital transformation elevated her brand's presence and positioned her as a key figure in the knowledge commerce market.
  • Increased visibility of her digitized educational content facilitated further collaborations and speaking engagements throughout the transition from network television personality to online educator.

Major Tools Used

Creative Cloud


Digital Made Simple's digital marketing agency played a pivotal role in empowering the client’s successful transition from television to the knowledge commerce market. We implemented a comprehensive approach encompassing brand strategy, platform development, content creation, monetization, and audience growth.

This facilitated Iyanla’s reinvigoration as an influential digital educator increasing her impact and generating multi-7-figure revenues annually through her knowledge commerce offerings.

Her digital transition not only expanded her reach but also solidified her brand as a trusted source of wisdom and transformation for her online community.

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